Yoga Etiquette 101

While I don’t necessarily think yoga has “rules”, I do feel that there should be a certain level of respect to the studio space, it’s teachers and fellow yogis just like you. This will allow everyone to maintain their own practice in a room filled with different types of people. Maybe you enjoy a quiet, deeply relaxing class or would you’d rather a base thumping, fast flow? Either way in a room of many people and many goals, the following points will help to make everyone have a better experience on (and off) the mat:

1) R-E-S-P-E-C-T – Respect your instructor and the other people in the studio. Some days the room will be quiet when you need music or the class will be fast when you need it slow. That’s life, my friend. Roll with it. The instructor planned that class for a reason. The other people in class have come to that class for a reason. Please respect all the people (it’s about more than just you or me).

2) EARLY YOGI GETS THE MAT - Get to class 10-15 minutes early. Life is crazy and busy and loud and overwhelming. Arriving early allows you to take a breather before breathing on cue and slow down before your first down-dog. Take this time to talk to your instructor, journal or get out your wiggles and start to get centered. If you are a couple minutes late, please be quiet entering the studio. If you are more than a couple minutes late, please understand if you are turned away.

3) MUSIC MAKES ME LOSE CONTROL… hold it. NO. Turn off the need to be entertained. It’s not about that. Yoga is about getting inside of you; your head, your body, your heart. There are sounds (or not) for a reason. Maybe it’s to block out our intersection or it’s for a themed class, regardless there is a method to the madness. Trust us!

4) DIGITAL OVERLOAD? In a world where there’s a screen every time we turn around, use this chance to turn it all off. It’s one hour. ONE HOUR… Please turn your phone to OFF or DO NOT DISTURB, vibrate is not an option. If you feel it’s a do or die, it’s probably better to come back on a day when you can fully focus.

5) SECRETS SECRETS ARE NO FUN. No one likes a gossip or not feeling like they’re part of the “cool kid club”. I think you are all pretty special, so please play nice with others. NO gossip. NO cliques. ONLY peace and love. (That got real hippie, real quick.)

6) CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS! Please practice proper hygiene. Smoke, heavy perfumes, even strong essential oils can be very overwhelming in our intimate space. Also please do not walk on mats with shoes on. Yoga is practiced barefoot and your shoes are a cesspool of bacteria.

7) PUT IT BACK THE WAY YOU FOUND IT. Take just a moment and fold the blanket nicely. It takes just a minute to clean the mat and roll it properly. We want the class before you to make everything nice for your class, please do the same for the class after yours.

8) AND NOW SHAVASANA. Don’t skip it. Learn to love it, crave it, come to class for it, but also respect it. If you aren’t looking to calm yourself, it’s possible you are looking for all the right things in all the wrong places. Shavasana is a pose, just like pidgeon or child’s pose, but it can also be so much more. Please respect it as such and allow your mind and body to give into it. Settle. Breathe. Grow.

Now go enjoy every minute in the studio! Laugh (somewhat quietly), learn and love this little community we are creating. After all, being human is the first step in being a great human being.


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