Accessible Yoga


“Accessible” has become a buzzword in the Yoga community recently. I’m pleased more awareness is being brought to the need to make Yoga something anyone can do, but what exactly does accessible mean? As with any popular word, it can mean myriad things.

The word accessible often brings to mind folks with physical disabilities, including those in wheelchairs. Wheelchair and chair yoga, and yoga using the wall and other props, is generally an important part of a class labeled “accessible”. That said, every class can and should be accessible to people with varying levels of physical function. Most of us have some level of physical pain, and some part of our body that doesn’t quite work optimally. Honesty with yourself and your teacher will make your yoga class safer regardless of where you are at physically on a given day. Remember – your physical ability can vary greatly day by day (and even at different times of the day). If you’re feeling stiff, grab a block. If you need to use a chair, or if your teacher suggests it, give it a try. Self-awareness combined with an aware teacher can make any class accessible.

Another growing area of awareness in the Yoga community is creating classes accessible to those who have experienced trauma and those struggling with anxiety and depression. As with physical pain, awareness of your triggers is key. Accessible classes (again, this should be all classes) allow an opt out for touch. Lighting levels, music, and certain poses (especially child’s and down dog) may increase anxiety or even cause a panic attack. Understand that this is common and seen frequently in classes, and don’t feel shame if you need to excuse yourself or take a different pose.

Accessibility is near and dear to my heart as an occupational therapist, and this is a topic I could write a long essay on. The most important thing to take away from this blog is that all yoga classes can and should be accessible. Know yourself and don’t be afraid to ask for what you need and hold your teachers accountable for providing it. Yoga is beneficial for all.

Laura Mitchell 


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