Learn To Let Go: 15 Steps

Letting go is hard and yes, it’s a process. Here’s 15 steps to learn that will help get you started on your journey to letting go and learning to prioritize YOU (and your happiness).

  1. Learn to accept that life is what it is, and even if you don’t have the money you want or the life path you desire, there is nothing else to do except walk forward and embrace it.

  2. Learn to build clear barriers around yourself that keep out negativity, and tell others that they must respect your space. Don’t take on more than you can handle.

  3. Learn to live a full and contented life. Don’t just exist—stride forth and take in everything that you can. Your time is precious.

  4. Learn to have true friends, not just a lot of friends. Surround yourself with love and support.

  5. Learn to enjoy your life as it is, not what you think it should be.

  6. Learn to forgive those who have wronged you—don’t hold on to your anger and sorrow. That only clouds your mind and brings you down.

  7. Learn to love your body. Don’t pollute it, and don’t degrade it. Your body is a machine that works wonders. Appreciate it.

  8. Learn to create buffer zones that will support you when you need them most—keep money in your savings account, and maintain your health.

  9. Learn to enjoy your job, even if it’s not your true passion. Don’t exhaust yourself for a paycheck. Nobody looks back on their life and wishes they worked more.

  10. Learn to put yourself first.

  11. Learn to keep your surrounding environment clean and orderly so that your mind is clear and orderly.

  12. Learn to let go of the things and people who hurt you. They are gone now.

  13. Learn to question and request things of people. You don’t have to do all the things, all the time

  14. Learn the ability to rid yourself of those you tolerate. Surround yourself with those you love.

  15. Learn to speak the truth, to rid yourself of want, and to expect nothing in return. Go for what make you happy. Make it happen.

Robyn is an energy healer, intuitive and life coach at Pure Synergy. If you need help on your path, are looking for clarity and guidance, or just hoping to clear some blocks, schedule a complimentary consult (in-person or virtually) through our booking page.


Benefits of Walking Outdoors


Monthly Update - September